5 Habits You Need To Master Your Fears And Leap Into A New Life
Let’s face it: fear is a part of the human experience. You can’t out run, bury it, or ignore it and hope it will go away. This is especially true when you are entertaining new ways of showing up in the world.
If you can’t escape fear, how can you make sure it doesn’t stop you from taking action and creating what you really want?
I am glad you asked.
Here are 5 habits that have helped me master fear and make positive changes in my life.
You Don’t Have To Complete Your Novel By 6:00 p.m.
The idea that massive change happens instantly, instead of in small doable steps, leaves us without hope and unmotivated to take action.
If we tell ourselves we have to make these major overhauls in our lives, like master professional writing before we can write the first page in our book, we will never get started.
So, if you have been afraid to start a business, write a book, or change your career, spend five minutes today doing something that will get you closer to your goal instead of trying to master it by dinner time.
Consistent, small steps is the way to master your fears because you train yourself to take action instead of giving up before you even get started.
It’s not about big wins. It’s about taking small steps consistently to win big.

I Can’t Love Myself Now: I’ve Got Work To Do!
The way we talk to ourselves matters more than anything else, especially when we are feeling afraid.
If we constantly tear ourselves down and tally up the ways we are lacking, how exactly do we think we are going to have the courage or strength to face our fears?
When the voice of fear flares up and threatens to take you down, offer words of encouragement and kindness to yourself. Praise yourself for the steps you have already taken, no matter how small.
Getting Fear Out Of The Driver’s Seat
If your mind is stuck on repeating images of destruction when you want to move in a new direction, try this:
- Think about a major change you have made in the past.
- Do you remember all of the fear and uncertainty you had?
- Do you remember how you felt more confident and capable once the change was complete?
You can face your fears and come out better on the other side. You have already done this several times before. Remind yourself you do have what it takes to not only survive, but thrive.
Train yourself to see fear as a challenge to get better and you will start to master it.
The Glory of Making Fear Ordinary
There is power in structure and routine. I know, the idea of repeating the same things over and over again sounds boring, but repetition is a secret weapon you can use to start conquering your fears.
By creating a habit of putting yourself in new situations. Get uncomfortable, repeatedly.
Willingly embrace the unknown by taking a new class or pitching a new idea to the world. It will change how you see yourself and what you believe is possible for your life.
Taking a leap into the unknown in small, fun ways can serve as the training you need to take action to master your big fears.
Fear loses its grip on us if we are willing to embrace new experiences, just for the fun of it.

Hurry, I Need A Road Map Out Of Hell.
I hate to break it to you, but there is no map you can follow to guarantee success or avoid feeling afraid, uncomfortable, and lost; however, there is something you can do to prepare for the inevitable.
The reason why fear keeps us paralyzed with indecision is because we don’t question it and problem-solve ahead of time.
How do you do that?
Put your worst-case scenario in writing.
- Write down what you want.
- Write down all of your fears about the terrible things that could happen to you if you go for what you really want.
- What could you do to recover and rebuild your life if your worst-case scenario came true?
When you take the time to write down your fears and think about the ways you can solve your worst-case scenario problems, you realize there is a always a way out.
Your life is not in danger, and it is possible to recover and rebuild even if your worst-case scenario comes true.
Making Friends With Fear
Taking the time to question your fears and how you define them is the first step to mastering them.
You don’t need to do the impossible by bedtime, but you do need to build habits that support you and increase your confidence.
Training yourself to take small, consistent steps is a way to conquer your fears and create the life you want.
Want more tips on how to move confidently in a new direction?
Sign up for my five-day audio training: 5 Simple Practices To Navigate Uncertainty With More Confidence
Also, consider checking out 4 Challenges To Creative Recovery to become aware of the road blocks we will all have to face to embody our creative potential, and how to deal with them.