The Courage To Create A Life Worth Living

I am a former flight attendant who decided to set out on a new adventure in the fall of 2020.

One that spoke to my heart and integrated the many things I love: creativity, travel, learning, and connecting with others in a deep, meaningful way by sharing personal stories of transformation, hope, and empowerment.

My experience as a flight attendant, writer, performance artist, lifelong learner, and sole proprietor has equipped me with the skills and tools to reinvent myself, think strategically, make good decisions, trust my intuition, take risks, use my creativity to dream bigger, and say yes to leading my life from a place of love instead of fear.

It’s also given me the courage and audacity to show up for my dreams, like:

  • Going back to school in my late thirties to pursue my childhood love of fashion design.
  • Creating a travel blog just for fun.
  • Saying yes to my first solo trip.
  • Taking a couple of years off of work to travel, write, learn, and explore.
  • Creating and publishing a digital journaling course: The Woman You Were Always Meant To Be
  • Becoming a published author (Shout It From The Rooftops; Powerful Stories That Transform Lives, September 2023).

My trials and errors have also equipped me with the skills and experience to see and dream beyond my humble beginnings and the common cultural beliefs of my youth.

I did not take the tried-and-true-path of “success.”

I’ve created my own.

My endless quest to know and understand myself and the world around me through travel, soulful conversations, and asking thought-provoking questions has led me to my present-day role: Owner of Learning2fly, LLC, an online life-coaching business.

As a certified Wayfinder Life Coach, ICF accredited coach, and Positive Intelligence trained coach, my style of coaching is rooted in reconnecting to who you are by accessing your intuition, playing with your creativity, and developing the self-trust and confidence to express all of you in everything you do.

I call this living your truth, and I believe it is the direct path to fulfillment, joy, adventure, and freedom.

Forget the apologizing or shrinking to fit in.

I want you to reclaim all that you are so you can learn how to fly.

Your friend on the journey to being true to all that you are,


P.S. Wanna strengthen the relationship with yourself?

Check out my free guide: 4 Practices To Amplify Your Intuition.

Get clear. Develop self-trust. Make better decisions. All in less than 10 minutes a day.

P.P.S. Check out my free resources below on navigating change, facing your creative fears, letting go of people-pleasing, and showing up for your dreams.

Explore some of the common roadblocks to being true to yourself and what to do about them in

4 Challenges To Creative Recovery

Discover some simple tips to define and create your most fulfilling life in

Uncovering The Life You Were Meant To Live

Explore how to plant and nurture the seeds of self-love in

How To Reconnect To Your Joy And Creativity To Embrace New Possibilities

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