Why You Need to Protect Your Dreams From Unsafe People
Moving into a new chapter of your life requires you to be on guard. If you expect to keep the faith and have the persistence to keep going after your dreams, you’ve got to protect them.
It is way too easy to let doubt creep in and deflate your enthusiasm by sharing your dreams with unsafe people.
The trouble begins when we believe it is ok to share with anyone who will listen. If you do not protect your dreams from negative influences, it can throw you off track…sometimes for years.
What I have realized is the beginning stages of pursuing your dreams is when you are most vulnerable and extremely excited. It is only natural to want to share with others, but you must use discernment.
So, how do you figure out who is a safe person to share your dreams with?
Who is a safe person?
Just because you have known someone for years does not mean you can trust them with your dreams. A better way to figure out who to share with would be to look at the track record of the person you are considering. Are they actively pursuing their own desires? Do they have a habit of setting and meeting goals? Are they excited about their life?
When I am caught up in the excitement of something new, my discernment can go right out the window. I start talking openly about my new plans. This is a problem.
The failure to consider the qualifications of the source first can cause us to share with unsafe people.
So, who exactly is an unsafe person?
Spotting An Unsafe Person

Unsafe people do not have the courage to pursue their own dreams and yet we expect them to support us.
Tell me, how exactly does that work?
Keeping company with unsafe people is dangerous because they have bargained with life. They have decided to settle for less than they truly desire and it shows.
It shows up in their statements of coulda, woulda and shoulda. It shows up as bitterness in their voice that seems to grow louder as the years go by.
Taking advice from an unsafe person allows their doubts, fears and pessimism to seep into your mind. It doesn’t matter if the advice is well intended or realistic:
What matters is now you are feeling uncertain about your plans after talking with them.
Keeping Your Dreams Safe

Following your dreams requires courage; it is critical you only share them with safe people. People who have a track record of going after what they want and are focused on making their own dreams come true. These are the people who will understand you and support you.
You cannot afford to entertain the false idea that seeking advice from someone not pursuing their own dreams is going to be able to provide you with guidance on how to get what you want in life.
It doesn’t matter if they are a friend or family member.
The only advice you should ever take from an unsafe person is how not to live your life if you intend to be happy and fulfilled. They are a reminder of what is in store for you if you don’t find the courage to go after your dreams.
Do not allow unsafe people to sow seeds of doubt in you. Discern the safety of the person in question by asking yourself: Is this person actively pursuing and accomplishing their own goals?
That will tell you everything you need to know. Remember to protect your dreams from negative influences like your life depends on it…..it does.
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